Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Middlegate Funding - Experienced Professionals

Middlegate Funding is made up of a team of experienced professionals, whose backgrounds include real estate and finance. They have a deep understanding of the real estate industry and its constant ups and downs, and the issues that real estate brokers and agents are constantly faced with.

“Every day a deal doesn’t close the broker loses money with other firms,” said a real estate agent in New York. “Middlegate doesn’t take advantage of a bad situation.”

That bad situation is the problem of cash flow that most real estate professionals are faced with at least once during their careers. Since the bulk of their income is derived from commissions, and they only receive commissions when a deal is closed, their projected incomes are not always reliable.

“Thanks to Ashley at Middlegate Funding I was able to pay my bills on time,” said a real estate agent working in Long Island, New York. “His fast and professional service excels any I have experienced. I would definitely refer Middlegate to anyone who needs cash in a hurry.”

“Middlegate Funding is why I am still in the brokerage world,” said another. “Business is good, but things happen in life that are uncontrollable. Instead of changing professions, Middlegate provided me with a commission advance within 24 hours of the request. I am now able to continue doing what I love.”

The Middlegate Funding team is proud to have established itself as a popular and trusted choice for real estate agents and brokers who need to advance their commissions.